Transforming the brand of an island
Gotland wanted to go from being perceived as a tourist destination to being perceived as an attractive place to work, run a business and live. We helped them develop a new brand platform and visual identity to support their transformation journey.
With a brand strongly characterized by summer tourism and a decreasing proportion of the population of working age Region Gotland wanted to transform the Gotland brand to get more people to move to the island and for the whole island to live all year round. A new brand needed to be attractive to both talent and residents, as well as provide support for Gotland businesses to reach new target groups.
A demanding task. Gotland needed a fresh start.
We developed a new brand platform, visual identity and position to lay the foundation for a transformation of the brand. The aim was to make people feel that Gotland is an attractive place to live, work and run a business.
We worked closely with Region Gotland in developing the brand platform and understanding the different challenges. An important task was to make people and businesses feel ownership of the brand and thereby release more energy into the brand transformation.
The new visual identity is formed to be sincere and welcoming with a lot of personality. Imagery shows authentic Gotland environments populated with people going about their daily business. The color palette is taken from Gotland's beautiful landscapes.
For more information, contact:
Emelie Rosén
+46 73-830 83 64