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Innovate Offerings

Evolve or die. Innovation is for many a means to survive, and for all a proven road to growth. We help you to the right strategy, but also to the set-up, the methods and ideas you need to disrupt.

We help our clients innovate their offerings - resulting in long-term customer value and business impact.​


Innovative organizations are more likely to:​

  • …increase revenues and margins

  • …gain and sustain competitive advantages

  • …attract and retain competence and talents

  • …achieve higher customer satisfaction

  • …successfully adapt to changes in the market​

  • …be more productive and efficient


Business models and monetization​

Innovation of new products and services​

The innovative organization​




Strategy: business models and monetization​

  • Innovation Strategy​

  • Product Strategy​

  • Business Model Transformation​

  • Servitization of offerings

Ensuring the company’s capability to deliver products and services that meet customer needs and foster a willingness to pay. Achieving competitiveness by continuously evolving and adapting the business model to the external environment.​

Offerings: innovation of new products and services​

  • Design new products and services​

  • Offer design and bundling​

  • Pricing and optimization​

The capability to innovate entirely new products and services and revitalize existing ones. Ensuring relevance, demand, and customer willingness to pay through effective packaging, bundling, and pricing strategies.​

Management: the innovative organization​

  • Innovation Assessments​

  • Building and sustaining an innovation culture​

  • Interim Management​

Build an organization where innovation is deeply embedded in the culture and serves as the cornerstone of sustainable growth. Assess the current situation and establish a clear vision through a comprehensive assessment, or accelerate your innovation journey by hiring interim management from us.​


Our Innovative Cases

Cultivating Growth for SEB Greenhouse

Disruptive innovation and operationalization

Our Innovation Experts

Differ Strategy

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Max Hellgren

Differ Strategy

+46 73-393 77 89

Differ Strategy

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Filip Medhammar

Differ Strategy

+46 73-688 96 30

Differ Strategy

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Mikael af Kleen

Differ Strategy

+46 72-552 85 31

Max Hellgren

Differ Strategy

+46 73-393 77 89

Filip Medhammar

Differ Strategy

+46 73-688 96 30

Mikael af Kleen

Differ Strategy

+46 72-552 85 31

Our Transformation Experts

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