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Drive Sustainability

Differ’s offer covers a large part of the organisation’s sustainability agenda. We combine strategy skills and rigorous analytical capabilities with deep knowledge of the transitional needs of our planet and humankind. 

Our Green Cases

Meeting Evolving Customer Demands with Innovative Solutions

Surpassing expectations by combining entertainment with sustainability

Organizing to maximize impact

CSRD/ESRS from start to finish

Sustainable Value Creation

  • Sustainability strategy

  • Sustainability and cost optimisation

  • Sustainable product/offer development

During the last couple of years, we have helped several companies align their material impact and business value creation through developing a sustainability strategy. We believe a strategy that specifically encompasses sustainability and its contribution to the business is needed no matter the organisation’s ambition. However, the higher the ambition, the more developed and cross-functional the strategy typically needs to be. Although all clients are different, we have developed a maturity model based on our experience that can be a fruitful first step.  

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Maturity Model.png

Sustainable Transition

  • Developing net-zero transition plans and detailed CO2 abatement strategies 

  • Change management and organisational development to realise sustainability goals 

  • SBTi goal setting 

  • GHG emissions in accordance with the GHG-Protocol  

  • Biodiversity assessment and transition plan    

Measuring an organisation’s CO2e emissions is hard. Developing reduction targets in line with the Paris Agreement is harder. Concretizing a viable transition plan based on business trade-offs that have management buy in is almost impossible. Nonetheless, it is doable! 

Based on our experience we always see the transition paths from a dual perspective; emissions and cost/revenue generation. For us this is the only way to create lasting improvement that transforms the company.

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Differs’ methods takes SBTi 
and commercial requirements 
into account

SBTi approach.png

Differs’ methods takes SBTi 
and commercial requirements 
into account

Sustainability Compliance

  • CSRD/ESRS readiness and reporting

  • Green Claims Directive

  • GRI Reporting

  • EU-Taxonomy reporting

  • Efficient sustainability reporting process

  • Sustainability organisation development

  • Legal landscape assessment

Compliance is fundamental to any organisation’s sustainability efforts. With rapid development and introduction of new regulations, the task of staying compliant is not only a challenge for most organisations – it is also a potential cause of frustration as compliance risks consuming well-needed resources that otherwise could have been used for other sustainability development efforts. That is why we support our clients with both understanding and interpretation of directives such as the CSRD, EU Taxonomy and Green Claims Directive as well as development and implementation of efficient processes and organisations. 


For CSRD, our three-step approach ensures a thorough yet efficient process all the way from the Double Materiality Analysis to sustainable development beyond reporting. 


For the Green Claims Directive, our message platform puts a positive spin on compliant communication by outlining what the organisation is encouraged to communicate, as opposed to a list of forbidden claims and red flags. 


For the Green Claims Directive, our message platform puts a positive spin on compliant communication by outlining what the organisation is encouraged to communicate, as opposed to a list of forbidden claims and red flags. 


Differ Strategy

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Max Hellgren

Sustainable Transition & Compliance

+46 73-393 77 89

Differ Strategy

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Johanna Nyberg

Sustainability & Communication

+46 76-801 35 22

Differ Strategy

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Mikael af Kleen

Sustainable Value Creation

+46 72-552 85 31

Our Green Experts

Max Hellgren

Sustainable Transition & Compliance

+46 73-393 77 89

Johanna Nyberg

Sustainability & Communication

+46 76-801 35 22

Mikael af Kleen

Sustainable Value Creation

+46 72-552 85 31

Our Green Experts

We help our clients drive sustainable growth within three main areas

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